Photos by the lake

The opportunity of spending time together is of course an enormous part of this routine. It’s a time when the lack of obligation and goals that must be reached tends to level out our relationship. We are companions, sharing an experience, and although our points of view certainly do overlap because of our similar termperaments, they are very different in many respects, too. We share the delight at seeing something rare or beautiful, the frustration of only catching a glimpse of something or not managing to capture it with our cameras.
Even though our trips are weeks apart, there’s a soothingness about the gradual ebb and flow of the seasons. It’s like watching trees blow in the wind — we have the illusion of being able to see the seasons. In our response to nature, there seems to be no clear line between the exquisite and the ugly. The corpse of a duckling lying next to the water, the gaudy flash of a blackbird’s wings, the patterns created by the ice on the edge of the lake, an iridescent fly cleaning itself on a dog’s turd… there is some kind of beauty in every experience, and also some kind of grotesqueness. I suppose the ideas of beauty and grotesqueness are somehow dependent on the meanings we read into these things. Do we see beauty in dead leaves because we feel that they are part of a cycle of death and renewal? And yet I have the impression that I have some kind of aesthetic sense that is very far removed from meaning. Is there meaning in a particular shape or colour or tone or melody? There doesn’t seem to be, but perhaps this is an illusion.
The walk sounds so amazing. Growing up in West Virginia, I love the mountains. I prefer them to the ocean and the hot climates of the beach.
There is such a serenity sitting beside a lake. The ocean, so vast, without being able to see the other side, can at times be unsettling/unnerving.
However, seeing a gorgeous lake, especially during autumn, the reflection of the changing leave colors on it's surface. That to me is serenity. And there is no illusion about the emotions it brings forth.
Here's the link for the Galatians passage in FB's post the other day;&version=65;
I appreciate both your photographs and your artistic prose. I look forward to seeing more. Thank you for your thoughts.
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