26 July, 2006

July silence

I've taken a break from blogs and blogging for the past few weeks. Perhaps I just needed to get a fresh perspective, or perhaps I was just feeling lazy. I have a couple of postings brewing, but in the mean time, here are some quotes, from books I've been reading, that for one reason or another struck a chord.

“it sometimes happens that when one acts quickly and with great resolve, all the indecisiveness and doubt comes afterwards, when it is too late.” (Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell)

“He began to have the strangest feeling […] the feeling that something was coming to an end and that all his choices had now been made. He had taken a road in his youth, but the road did not lead where he had supposed; he was going home, but home had become something monstrous.” (Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell)

“The captain and sailors sat in the front pews.

All were men with blood on their hands; yet all gazed longingly at the milk-white body of Our Dying Lord, identifying His Agony with their agony and calling on Him to pacify the sea.

The priest said a short prayer to the Patron of Slavers, St José the Redeemed, and a longer one for the souls of the Black Brethren who would be ransomed for the Christian fold.” (Bruce Chatwin, The Viceroy of Ouidah)


Blogger john said...

Hope to hear from you soon!

11:27 AM  

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